Bias Q5 User Guide V1.0
Page 15
4.7 Switch off
Keep pressed the central button for 3 seconds to switch the
amplifier off. The amplifier platform passes to the standby
mode and the border of the central button blinks white.
The amplifier platform turns completely off only
when the mains connector is unplugged.
4.8 Mute
A short pressure on the central button toggles MUTE/
UNMUTE to all active channels: any previously
muted channel will remain in mute status.
All other circular buttons (except the central one) toggle
the MUTE/UNMUTE to the specified output channel.
NOTE: Please note that when the amplifier platform
is linked and controlled by Armonía Pro Audio
Suite™ all MUTE switches are locally disabled.
4.9 Wi-Fi switch
Press the leftmost button: the button will light up and the
system will establish a new local Wi-Fi network whose
SSID is in the form: Void-MODELNAME-SERIAL (e.g.
Void-BiasQ5-70133) and default password: 0123456789.
Press again the leftmost button to switch the Wi-Fi off.
4.10 Armonía callback
In order to identify the unit into the Armonía Workspace,
push on the rightmost button. On the other hand,
if you click on Un/Blink from the contextual menu
of the amplifier into the Armonía Workspace, all the
front LEDs of the amplifier will blink for a while.
Bias Q5
Bias Q5
Mute/Unmure CH1
Mute/Unmure ALL
5 Wi-Fi
Follow this procedure to activate the Wi-Fi connection and
remotely access your Void Bias Q5 amplifier platform.
1. Switch on the amplifier by holding down the central
button on the front panel;
2. Press the leftmost button in the front panel: the button
will light up and the system will establish a new local Wi-
Fi network whose SSID is in the form:
(e.g. Void-BiasQ5-71520)
3. Access your mobile device and edit the Wi-Fi
4. Hang the Wi-Fi network with the right SSID;
5. Insert the following default Wi-Fi encryption password:
6. Open the web browser and type the
following IP address in the address bar:
7. The system will push the user interface to the browser:
now you can start managing your Bias Q5 amplifier
8. For simple recall and operation with the interface, we
suggest to bookmark the page on the home screen of
your mobile device; for example, in iOS device click on
the share icon and select “Add to Home Screen” when
the interface has been completely loaded.
9. Remember to switch the local Wi-Fi network off when
monitoring and basic setup are no more necessary:
press the leftmost button in the front panel in order to
switch off the Wi-Fi.
4 Installation