background image

As you are installing the second and possible third 
level of monitors to the frame, you want to insure 
there is proper minimal bezel edge clearance 
between the upper and lower display.  Some 
models have sensitive materials incorporated in 
the top and bottom edges of their display that do 
not allow for resting the weights of the display on 
top of each other.   Side to side clearance of bezel 
edges is equally as important for natural chassis 
expansion that occurs as the display come up to 
full operating temperatures. Without the minimal 
clearance allowance, the display would push 
against each other causing some potential distor-
tion of the chassis alignment.
Use a standard business card fold in half to double 
its thickness and use this to set your minimum 
clearance between display; not only top to 
bottom, but also side to side for better over all 
symmetry for the finished video wall. The business 
card should slide with ease the total length of the 
bezel edge. If not, adjust the clearance to allow for 
smooth movement of the card.  This should be 
done at each level of monitors being installed 
before moving up to the next row of monitors.
Use the bracket upper level screws to set the 
upper and lower bezel edge clearance, and the 
side to side security screw to adjust the side 

Note: A .05” gap between bezels is 

recommended for heat expansions.

Step 7


