Here we will cover the settings available for the WiFi-Oke. The WiFi-Oke runs on the Android operating system
designed for mobile tablets that can operate on cellular networks. The WiFi-Oke is not a cellular mobile device, and as
such, some of the options in the settings have been disabled. If a setting does not function, or is not recommended to
be changed, it will state that it has been disabled.
Wireless & Networks
Wi-Fi: Toggle WiFi connection ON and OFF. When WiFi is ON you can select the wireless network you would like to
connect with.
Data Usage:
Shows Data usage of each individual app
• Volumes: Adjust the volume levels for Media, Notifications, and Alarms.
• System: Select the notification sound, and enable/disable touch sounds, and enable/disable lock screen sounds.
• Brightness: Adjust the brightness level of the screen.
• Wallpaper: Select a wallpaper to be displayed on the User select screen.
• Sleep: Turn on to have the unit go to sleep after a period of inactivity. Press the power button to wake up the system.
• Daydream: This setting is disabled for this unit.
• Font size: Adjust the size of the text
• Accelerometer coordinate system: This setting is disabled for this unit.
• Cast screen: This setting is disabled for this unit.
• Full screen mode: This setting is disabled for this unit.
• Smart color: This option helps colors on the display look more vibrant.
• Intelligent back light: Enable this to lower the brightness of the screen.
• Storage: Displays used space and available space on the internal storage of the system
• Apps: Displays apps currently downloaded onto the system.
• Users: Add user profiles. Users have their own apps, but share settings.
• Access Google location services.
• Screen lock: This setting is disabled for this unit.
• Encrypt tablet: This setting is disabled for this unit.
• Make passwords visible: Disable to have characters in passwords be replaced by dots.
• Unknown sources: Disable to block app downloads from unknown sources.
• Verify apps: Enable to verify apps before download.
Language & input
• Language: Select system language. If you are playing media files in another language, you will have to change the
language here to have the lyrics display correctly.
• Talk back: Enable this option to have the system verbally confirm each selection. When this is enabled, you cannot
use your finger to scroll through the settings and must use the PREV and NEXT buttons to scroll up and down.
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