TLS Implementation for VCM
CSI_ManageCertificateStore Options
[root@localhost tmp]# CSI_ManageCertificateStore -?
Usage: /opt/CMAgent/CFC/3.0/bin/CSI_ManageCertificateStore
[-c certificate_store_name] -[adel] [-g fingerprint] [-s subject] [-f filename]
[-c certificate_store_name] -[iu] -f filename
-h Display this help and exit
-? Display this help and exit
-c The name of the certificate store. This name includes the path.
Defaults to registry value
-a Perform action on all certificates in the store
-d Delete from the certificate store
-e Export certificate(s) and associated key(s) from the certificate store to file(s)
named fingerprint-cert.pem and fingerprint-key.pem ('fingerprint' is the hex SHA1
hash of the certificate)
-f File that contains a certificate external to the certificate store to use. The
certificate in the file must be in PEM format
-g SHA1 hash fingerprint of the certificate in the store to act upon
-i Insert certificate into the certificate store
-k File that contains the private key associated with the certificate. Private
certificate keys are only used for mutual authentication. The key must be in PEM
format. Associating a key with a certificate will cause the registry to be modified
to setup mutual authentication
-l List entries from the certificate store
-n Common name of the certificates in the store to act upon
-p Passphrase for the private key. Needed if the private key PEM
file was passphrase protected, or if the exported key should
be protected
-s Subject of the certificates in the store to act upon