TLS Implementation for VCM
Installing the Agent from a Disk (Windows only)
The VCM installation image/DVD does not contain customer-specific certificates. The manual VCM installer requests
the location of the Enterprise Certificate file prior to installing. You must have this file available at installation time. The
Certificate file (with a .pem extension) can be copied from the CollectorData folder of the Collector. This will be the
case whether you run the manual installer directly (CMAgentInstall.exe or the .msi installation package) or use the
“Agent Only” option from the DVD autorun program.
Using CMAgtInstall.exe via Network Share to Install the Agent (Windows
CMAgtInstall.exe is the manual Agent installer program. As above, the manual installer will request the location of the
Enterprise Certificate file before installing. You must have this file available at installation time. The certificate file can
be copied from the CollectorData folder of the Collector. This applies to the .msi installation as well.
UNIX/Linux or Mac OS X
Each UNIX/Linux or Mac OS X installation package is targeted for one or more supported platforms. Because the
Enterprise and Collector Certificates are embedded within the Agent installation package (if they were specified when
the Collector was installed), they are automatically inserted into the UNIX Agent Certificate store during the Agent
installation process.
To manage the VCM UNIX Agent Certificate store, use the CSI_ ManageCertificateStore utility and related help
provided with your UNIX Agent installation package. For more information about UNIX/Linux or Mac OS X agent
installation or packages and platforms, refer to the
VMware vCenter Configuration Manager Installation and Getting
Started Guide
Installing the Agent Using a Provisioning System
The manual installation program is available in .exe and .msi formats. Both versions allow the Enterprise Certificate
file to be specified with a command line switch. The certificate installation step may also be omitted with a command
line switch. When these programs are run through a provisioning system, you must ensure that the Enterprise
Certificate is available (and still secure), and configure the program options appropriately.
Alternatively, you may choose to push the Enterprise Certificate to Agents by some other means and configure the
provisioning system to omit certificate installation.