Assembly and Operations Manual VIMAR - EASY 3D FUN SPORT MODEL
Step 3.1
Consult your radio instruction manual and center each
aileron servo by plugging it into the aileron channel of
the receiver. Turn on the transmitter and then the
receiver. Center the aileron trim lever on the transmit-
ter. Remove the servo arm mounting screw and the
servo arm.
Step 3.2
Mount the servo arm back on the servo. Position the
arm to be parallel with the back edge of the wing.
Screw the arm into place with the servo arm mounting
screw supplied with the servo.
Locate the two aileron control rods in the hardware
bag. Ensure the clevises are screwed well onto the
threaded portion of the rod. Rotate and tug aggres-
sively on the clevises and ensure that they are not
loose on the rods.
Tape the ailerons into their neutral position so that
they are even with the trailing edge of the wing and
not pointing either up or down.
Step 3.3
Ensure that the aileron control horns are screwed onto
the threaded aileron control horn bolts and that both
control horns are in approximately the same place on
their respective bolts.
Step 3.4
Connect the aileron servo rods to the aileron control
horns per figure 3B. and 3C.
Step 3.5
Connect the clevis to the servo output arm
Step 3.6
Remove the masking tape holding the ailerons.
Step 3.7
In the case of computer radios couple the servos
together by connecting them to the appropriate
receiver channel. In the case of analog radios couple
the servos together using a Y harness.
Step 3.8
Turn on your radio and activate the ailerons, using the
aileron stick and ensure a smooth full motion can be
Step 3.9
With the wing top side up and viewed from the back,
ensure that moving the transmitter aileron stick to the
left raises the left aileron and lowers the right aileron.
Movement of the stick to the left will roll the aircraft to
the left. (Counterclockwise roll of the wing when
viewed from the back ).
Step 3.10
With the wing top side up and viewed from the back,
ensure that moving the transmitter aileron stick to the
right raises the right aileron and lowers the left aileron.
Movement of the stick to the right will roll the aircraft
to the right.(clockwise roll of the wing when viewed
from the back).
Step 3
3B. Aileron control horn assembly
3A. Aileron control rod assembly
3C. Aileron control installed
2C. Aileron servo location
2B. Easy 3D
2D. Install aileron control horn
Assembly and Operations Manual VIMAR - EASY 3D FUN SPORT MODEL
To install your engine, please follow the sequence illustrated below.
Step 15
15B. Clamp engine to the engine mount
15A. Engine mounts pre-installed on
15C. Engine and engine mount
recommended orientation.
15F. Install the muffler and connect the
fuel and pressure line
15D. Pre cut cowl
15E. Use scissors to cut the cowl
as shown. Attach cowl with screws.
The elevator control horns are fitted to the underside to
the underside of both the right and the left elevator
halves. Pierce the covering over the pre-drilled holes and
install the control horns as shown.
16A. Control horn assembly
Step 16
16C. Rudder control horn location
16B. Elevator control horn locations.
Install the elevator servo in its cavity
(See 17A and 17B). Connect the ele-
vator servo to the receiver and turn on
your transmitter. Center the transmitter
elevator trim and center the elevator
(hold with low tack tape) before
connecting the control rods.
Step 17
17A. Two independent elevator control
horns shown in position
17B. Connect the elevator pushrods
to the control horns
Elevator control
Elevator servo