– Vehicle Mounted Air Compressors
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Check the filter to make sure that the threaded nipple did not
unscrew with the filter. If it is in the filter, remove it carefully
to avoid thread damage, coat the threads that go into
manifold block with a small amount of Loctite blue and install
it into the manifold block.
Check Surface
Threaded Nipple
2.9.3 Check the gasket-sealing surface of the manifold block for
contamination, old gasket material or damage.
Make sure the new filter is a VMAC filter, part number
9200039. This oil filter is a high pressure oil filter, not an
automotive oil filter, which will rupture under high pressure.
2.9.4 Apply a thin coating of compressor oil to the filter sealing
2.9.5 Spin the filter onto the threaded nipple until the gasket contacts
the sealing surface of the manifold block.
2.9.6 Tighten the filter an additional 3/4 to 1 turn to seat the sealing
Never over-tighten the filter, as this may damage the seal or
2.9.7 Follow the oil level checking procedure in Section 2.4.