ALARM 70, Illegal adjustable frequency drive configuration
The control card and power card are incompatible. Contact
your supplier with the type code of the unit from the
nameplate and the part numbers of the cards to check
ALARM 71, PTC 1 safe stop
Safe Stop has been activated from the MCB 112 PTC
Thermistor Card (motor too warm). Normal operation can
be resumed when the MCB 112 applies 24 V DC to T-37
again (when the motor temperature reaches an acceptable
level) and when the Digital Input from the MCB 112 is
deactivated. When that happens, a reset signal must be is
be sent (via Bus, Digital I/O, or by pressing [Reset]). Note
that if automatic restart is enabled, the motor may start
when the fault is cleared.
ALARM 72, Dangerous failure
Safe Stop with Trip Lock. Unexpected signal levels on safe
stop and digital input from the MCB 112 PTC thermistor
WARNING 73, Safe stop auto restart
Safe stopped. With automatic restart enabled, the motor
may start when the fault is cleared.
WARNING 76, Power unit set-up
The required number of power units does not match the
detected number of active power units.
WARNING 77, Reduced power mode
This warning indicates that the adjustable frequency drive
is operating in reduced power mode (i.e., less than the
allowed number of inverter sections). This warning will be
generated on power cycle when the adjustable frequency
drive is set to run with fewer inverters and will remain on.
ALARM 79, Illegal power section configuration
The scaling card is the incorrect part number or not
installed. Also MK102 connector on the power card could
not be installed.
ALARM 80, Drive initialized to default value
Parameter settings are initialized to default settings after a
manual reset. Reset the unit to clear the alarm.
ALARM 81, CSIV corrupt
CSIV file has syntax errors.
ALARM 82, CSIV par. err.
CSIV failed to init a parameter.
ALARM 85, Dang fail PB:
Profibus/Profisafe Error.
WARNING/ALARM 104, Mixing fan fault
The fan monitor checks that the fan is spinning at power-
up or whenever the mixing fan is turned on. If the fan is
not operating, then the fault is annunciated. The mixing-
fan fault can be configured as a warning or an alarm trip
14-53 Fan Monitor
Troubleshooting cycle power to the adjustable frequency
drive to determine if the warning/alarm returns.
ALARM 243, Brake IGBT
This alarm is only for F Frame adjustable frequency drives.
It is equivalent to Alarm 27. The report value in the alarm
log indicates which power module generated the alarm:
1 = left most inverter module.
2 = middle inverter module in F12 or F3 frame
2 = right inverter module in F10 or F11 frame
2 = second adjustable frequency drive from the
left inverter module in F14 frame size.
3 = right inverter module in F12 or F13 frame
3 = third from the left inverter module in F14
frame size.
4 = far right inverter module in F14 frame size.
5 = rectifier module.
6 = right rectifier module in F14 frame size.
ALARM 244, Heatsink temperature
This alarm is only for F Frame adjustable frequency drives.
It is equivalent to Alarm 29. The report value in the alarm
log indicates which power module generated the alarm.
1 = left most inverter module.
2 = middle inverter module in F12 or F3 frame
2 = right inverter module in F10 or F11 frame
2 = second adjustable frequency drive from the
left inverter module in F14 frame size.
3 = right inverter module in F12 or F13 frame
3 = third from the left inverter module in F14
frame size.
4 = far right inverter module in F14 frame size.
5 = rectifier module.
6 = right rectifier module in F14 frame size.
Warnings and Alarms
AutomationDrive Instruction
MG33AM22 - VLT
is a registered Danfoss trademark