set to always on.”
! Real-time tracking location data collecting interval.
The smaller interval, the higher accuracy, but the higher power consumption.
(1-999 represents seconds of data collecting
interval, default as 10 seconds)
! Real-time tracking location data upload interval.
The smaller
interval, the higher accuracy, but the higher power consumption.
(60-999 represents seconds of data uploading
interval, default as 60 seconds, minimum rate should not be less than 60)
9.2 Check Location
This check function enables device to collect location data regularly and
uploaded to server in appointed interval.This command can be used both in
idle and in motion, and able to work with route track function at the same
Check by hour
(0-99 represents hours of data upload interval, default
as *check*0*)
Check by minute
(5-999 represents minutes of data upload interval,
Device Response:
“Notice: System has ended check function.”
1. Check function is able to work with routetrack command at the same time.
2. System is default as *check*24*. One location will be uploaded to server
every 24 hours.
3. Location will be uploaded to server no matter device is in motion or not
9.3 Appointed Time Tracking
Appointed Time Map Location. Check map location at appointed time, up to 3
time points. Time format need to be in military time and can be set to every
half hour. e.g. 0830, 1400,1830 refers to 8:30, 14:00,18:30 of the day.