18.When the fault is indicated, the GREEN arrow on the display should be
pointing away from the transmitter, toward the fault, and will reverse to
indicate the RED arrow once the fault has been passed.
19.Once the RED arrow indicates that you have passed over the fault, move
the A-Frame at small intervals either direction until you locate a position
where you can make the arrows change back and forth by moving the A-
Frame several inches either direction.
20.At this point the actual fault is located below ground at the center of the A-
Frame or exactly between both spikes.
21.NOTE the dB NUMBER. If the number is near what was indicated at the
ground stake (within 10dB), then you have successfully located the cable
fault or the reason for the outage. IF the number is much lower than what
what indicated (>20dB difference), then you should mark this fault and
continue walking out the cable to its end. There may be other faults.
22.After the fault has been successfully located, depth of the cable can be
determined by pressing the ENTER button (large yellow button on right)
23.While in fault locate mode, pressing the ENTER button converts the
locator back to cable LOCATE mode, where the cable can be located and
depth of cable can be displayed. Pressing ENTER button again simply
returns the locator back to FAULT LOCATE mode.
CAUTION: After the fault has been successfully located, and depth of cable
determined, the user should IMMEDIATELY turn OFF the transmitter to remove
any voltage from the conductor.