Seat a person so that his/her head is approximately
at your eye level, cover the person’s shoulders with
a towel and set hair with the comb.
Cut off a small amount of hair at a time – if neces-
sary you can always return to the cut area of hair for
additional cutting.
The best haircutting results are reached on dry hair,
not wet.
Comb the hair with a comb (9) to reveal uneven locks.
It is better to leave longer hair after cutting for the
first time.
After learning your clipper better, you will be able to
arrange your hair in any style you need.
Attachment combs
The cut-off hair length depends on the attachment
attachment comb (5): length of hair 3 mm
attachment comb (6): length of hair 6 mm
attachment comb (7): length of hair 9 mm
attachment comb (8): length of hair 12 mm
Install the selected attachment comb on the blades,
teeth up, and press on the ledge in the bottom part of
the attachment until locking. Before cutting hair make
sure that the attachment is locked on its installation
place. To remove the attachment comb press the clamp
and remove the attachment.
Step one
Set the 3 mm attachment comb (5) or 6 mm attach-
ment comb (6). Switch the unit on using the power
switch (4), setting it to position «
». Hold the hair clipper
with the blades pointed upwards. Start cutting from the
beginning of the hair growth. Slowly move the trimmer
upwards. This way cut the head back area at neck bot-
tom and near the ears (pic. 3, 4, 5).
Step two
Switch the hair clipper off with the power switch (4) by
setting it to the position «
», unplug the unit, then set
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05.03.2019 15:47:18