Press the cover opening button.
Remove the basket and oil compartment.
Wash the cover, basket, and oil compartment with hot water
and dry carefully.
Refit all the components.
Pour a maximum of 2 litres of oil or liquid fat into the fryer
ensuring it is between the minimum and maximum levels
marked on the inside.
Plug in the deep fryer.
The amber power light will come on.
Adjust the temperature control slider to the required tem-
When the oil reaches the required temperature the amber
light goes out.
It will take approximately 22 minutes for the deep fat fryer to
reach a maximum temperature of 190°C.
Lift the handle to the upright position as shown.
Press the cover opening button and remove the basket.
Place the food into the basket.
Replace the basket, close the lid and lower the food into the
When food is placed in the deep fat fryer, it will naturally cool
the oil thereby making the amber light come on. The amber
light will extinguish after a couple of minutes.
Once the food is fried, lift the handle until it clicks into posi-
tion to place the basket in the drain position, allow the oil to
drain from the food.
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VT-1530.qxd 25.05.04 12:54 Page 8