VW801, VW802, VW803, VW804 Serial-WiFi Modem User Manual
Vitalwell Electronics (Zhuhai) Pte. Ltd. www.vital-well.com
3.2. Typical Application Examples
3.2.1. Wireless Control Application
Figure 13. Wireless Control Application
For this wireless control application, VW801 operates as AP mode. Modem
s serial port connects to
user device. Then, a control agent (a smart phone for this example) can manage and control the end
s device through the wireless connection over VW801 modem.
3.2.2. Remote Management Application
Figure 14. Remote Management Application
For this remote management application, VW801 works as STA mode and connects to Internet through
wireless AP. Modem configured as TCP Client and communicates with remote TCP server in Internet.
VW801 serial port connects to user device.
Then the user device will become of an internet enabled device. You can then access the device
anywhere in the world. All you need is just an internet connection.
3.2.3. Transparent Serial Port Application
For this transparent serial port application, two VW801 modules connect as below figures to build up