VW801, VW802, VW803, VW804 Serial-WiFi Modem User Manual
Vitalwell Electronics (Zhuhai) Pte. Ltd. www.vital-well.com
3.1. VW801/ VW802/ VW803/ VW804 Usage Introduction
3.1.1. Software Tools
VW801 use two common software tools debugging and applying VW801 modem.
(User can also select other tools used to debug serial port).
Serial Debugging Software:
Ethernet Debugging Software:
TCP to serial client software
3.1.2. Network Connection
User can select two methods to connect VW801 modem base on dedicated application.
Use VW801 STA interface.
VW801 and debugged PC2 connect to a wireless AP,
Another PC1 (or user device) connect to VW801 modem with serial port:
Figure 7. STA Interface Debug Connection
Use VW801 AP interface.
Debug PC2 connect to VW801 through wireless connection, another PC1
(or user device) connect to VW801 modem with serial port.
Figure 8. AP Interface Debug Connection