4. The Save Option can be modified by selecting one of
the alternative options.
a. If the ATS Best 3 option is selected, then the best
three tests will be saved to the database based on
the highest FVC+FEV1 sum for each test.
b. If the ERS Best 3 option is selected, then the best
three tests will be saved to the database based on
the highest FEV1 for each test.
c. If the Manual option is selected then, at the end of
the session, you select the test to save to the
database. Only one test can be selected for saving.
5. The FVC Test Type can be selected as either Closed
Circuit Spirometry or Single Breath Test.
6. The COMPACT will, by default, accept all tests
performed during a session and save the tests to the
database at the end of the session based on the Save
Option selected. You can also configure the COMPACT
to ask at the end of each test whether you wish to keep
the test. To do this, un-check the Automatically Accept
Tests check box.
7. The test Indices can be modified by pressing the
This gives a complete list of the test indices that can be
reported (and printed) for a test session. To
select/unselect a index check/uncheck the relevant
check boxes. Additional indices are available by using
the scroll bar on the right of the screen.