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Customer Service / Importer:

DS Produkte GmbH, Am Heisterbusch 1, 19258 Gallin, Germany • 

 +49 38851 314650 *)

*) Calls to German landlines are subject to charges. The cost varies depending on the service provider.

All rights reserved.



If you experience an unpleasant sensation while you are using 
the product, stop applying it immediately!


If a battery leaks, avoid physical contact with the battery acid, 
and wear protective gloves if necessary. If you touch bat-
tery acid, rinse the affected areas with abundant clear water 
straight away and seek medical assistance immediately.

NOTICE – Risk of Damage to Material and Property


Do not immerse the product in water!


Keep the product away from sharp and pointed objects.


Use only the battery type speci


 ed in the “Technical Data”.


Take batteries out of the product when they are dead or if you 
will not be using the product for a prolonged period to prevent 
damage caused by leaking.


Always replace all batteries together. Do not use batteries of 
different types or brands, or batteries with different capacities.


Protect the product from: heat sources, direct sunlight, sub-
zero temperatures, moisture and wet conditions.


Do not make any changes to the product and do not attempt to 
repair it. In the event of any damage, please contact our cus-
tomer service department.

Items Supplied

1 x pillow with cover, 1 x instructions
Check the product for any transport damage. If you 


 nd any dam-

age, do not use the product, but rather contact the customer ser-
vice department immediately.

Inserting / Changing Batteries


 Insert two 1.5 V batteries, AA type into the pillow 

before you 


 rst use it. These are not supplied with the product.

1.  Open the small zip fastener along the side at the bottom of the 


2.  Carefully pull out the battery compartment.
3.  Slide open the battery compartment cover and remove it.
4.  Check whether the contacts in the battery compartment and on 

the batteries are clean, and clean them if necessary.

5.  Remove any used batteries and insert two new 1.5 V batter-

ies, AA type into the battery compartment. Ensure the correct 
polarity (+ / –).

6.  Place the battery compartment cover on the battery compart-

ment and slide it shut.

7.  Stow the battery compartment back in the pillow.
8.  Close the zip fastener.
Replace the batteries when the power of the product starts to 



 The product switches off automatically after 10 

1.  Place the pillow around your neck. 


 The fastener on the cords can be opened to make it easier 

to place around your neck. To do this, press the locking lug in 
the middle and pull apart the two parts of the fastener at the 
same time. To close it, plug together and press together the two 
parts of the fastener. They must engage audibly.

2.  If necessary, adjust the 


 t of the pillow by moving the fastener 

along the cords. To do this, press together the fastener at the 
sides and slide it along as you require.

3.  To switch on the product, hold down the On / Off switch for ap-

prox. 3 seconds.

4.  The product has two different modes. To switch between them, 

press the On / Off switch for a short time.

5.  To switch off the product, hold down the On / Off switch for 

approx. 3 seconds.

Cleaning and Storage





 wash the product in the washing machine!


Do not soak the cover in water for more than 1 hour. The metal 
parts inside the fastener could be damaged.


Do not use any sharp or abrasive cleaning agents or cleaning 
pads to clean the product.


 The cover of the pillow is washable. The pillow 



 be washed!

1.  Open the large zip fastener on the bottom of the pillow.
2.  Carefully peel the cover off the pillow. When you do this, make 

sure that the On / Off switch is secured on the inside with the 
Velcro fastener. 

3.  Wash the cover by hand, following the instructions on the 

washing label. Do not use fabric softener. 


Allow the cover to dry completely before it is pulled back on 
the pillow. 

4.  Wipe down the pillow with a slightly damp cloth if necessary 

and then dry it thoroughly.

5.  Pull the cover over the pillow. When you do this, make sure that 

the On / Off switch is in the right position.

6.  Close the zip fastener.
7.  Store the pillow with the cover in a dry place which is protected 

from sunlight and is not accessible to children or animals.

Technical Data


Article number:  05410
Model number: 


Voltage: 3 


(2 x 1.5 V battery, AA type)

ID of instructions: Z 05410 M DS V1 1218


Dispose of the packaging material in an environmentally 
friendly manner so that it can be recycled.

Batteries should be removed prior to disposal of the product 
and disposed of separately from the product at a suitable 
collection point.

The product is governed by the European Directive 
2012/19/ EU on waste electrical and electronic equipment 
(WEEE). Do not dispose of the product as normal domestic 
waste, but rather in an environmentally friendly manner via 
an of


 cially approved waste disposal company.

Article number: 05410
