VISTEK V1679 single-mode fibre
data transceiver
All V1679 models have two independently operating Serial Communication Ports, named COM1 and COM2.
Both ports can be configured to comply either with RS-232 (single-ended) or RS-422 (differential) electrical
standards as specified by the EIA (Electronics Industry Association).
Free and useful RS-232/422/485 publications can be found on Analog Device's website (
) or
on B&B Electronic's website (
A highly recommended reading on the RS-232 interface standard is Maxim's Application Note 83
'Fundamentals of RS-232 Serial Communications', which can be downloaded from Maxim's website
Mode of operation, slew rate and an optional line termination (RS-422 only) can be configured by setting
Jumpers accordingly.
Data transfer rates of up to 1Mbps in RS-232 mode and 10Mbps in RS-422 mode can be achieved. The
transmission length depends largely on the interface type (RS-232 or RS-422), the quality of the cable and
the data rate itself. In theory, RS-422 can go as far as 4000 ft. @ 10Mbps. The single-ended RS-232
interface is generally speaking less robust and more susceptible to interference than its differential
counterpart RS-422. With RS-232, typical cable lengths at low data rates (9600kbaud) are about 50 ft. In
some cases, with the use of a special, high quality cable, this limit can be extended to as much as 150 ft.
The RS-422 receivers used on the V1679 are equipped with a failsafe circuitry that guarantees a logic high
receiver output when the receiver inputs are open or shorted. Furthermore, receivers and transmitters are
protected against wiring faults.