Ovation QS BioNatural Pipette – Adjustable Volume-Set Operator’s Guide
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Operating Temperature & Environment Conditions
Indoor use / Pollution Degree 2
Altitude up to 2000m
Temperature Range: 15˚–35˚C
Relative Humidity Range, non-condensing: 10%–85%
Atmospheric Pressure: 70–106kPa
Pipette Body Chemical Compatibility
Water, diluted ethanol or isopropanol, diluted bleach. For more information about chemical
compatibility with internal seals or pipette tips, see the documentation library in the support
area of our web site – www.vistalab.com.
If the pipette is to be used with hazardous fluids, safe laboratory practice is to be
followed. Refer to manufacturer’s Material Safety Data Sheets for proper handling
instructions. Always use VistaLab filtered tips (see tips table for catalog numbers)
when pipetting potentially caustic, corrosive or volatile solutions. Failure to do so
may result in premature wear and damage to the internal seals and piston, and void
the pipette’s warranty.
When organic or volatile solutions are routinely used, VistaLab Technologies
recommends the use of VITON seals. See the chemical compatibility chart in the
Ovation documentation library under “Support” at www.vistalab.com for more