To initiate or modify a channel frequency, first select the channel assignment to be modified on
the main screen, then touch the CHANNEL MENU button on the main screen; the display will
change to the screen shown above.
To access the channel assignment menu, first touch the SET FREQUENCY button on the
screen. You will notice that one of the digits in the FREQUENCY bar will now have a black,
blinking cursor.
Using the left and right arrows below the FREQUENCY bar, navigate the blinking cursor to the
digit that will be changed first. In the screen shot above for example, the current frequency of
channel 2 is 6438.000 MHz, however you want to change this to 6455.000.
1) Touch the set frequency button
2) Using the arrows, move the cursor to the 3 (third digit)
3) Touch the UP button once to change the 3 to a 4
4) Move the cursor to the 8 (fourth digit)
5) Touch the DOWN button three times to change the 8 to a 5
6) Touch the BACK button to save the new frequency
If you wish to add or change another channel, go to that channel while in the main screen, then
touch the channel menu button and repeat the process above. This process must be repeated
each time a channel is added or changed.