It is recommend to involve a computer technician for proper configuration of Visiontek
84VT and an automobile electrician in order to install the system properly.
Follow the following steps for configuration of Visiontek 84VT.
1. Install the configuration application. During the installation, application will prompt for
password. Enter the password as “visiontek”.
2. Connect one end of the serial cable provided with the unit. Vehicle Tracking Unit RS-
232 port and connect the other end to computer COM port.
3. Connect the unit to battery for powering ON. Ensure that the battery voltage is
between 9V to 30V and connected with proper polarities (+Ve and –Ve).
4. When the unit is powered ON, Yellow and Green LED's will be off and only Red LED will
glow with low intensity. After few seconds, the unit will give “Beep” sound indicating
that the unit is ready for configuration.
The configuration involves the programming of details related to Vehicle, GSM/GPRS
parameters, GPS parameters and other functions.
1. Open the “VTU Configuration” application. Enter the user name and password as
required by the customer. Customer should remember the user name and password
for future configuration.
2. On successful entry of user name and password, the following window appears on the