PREMIUM DSP 40-80 KVA PF0.9 3/3 - UPS www.visionups.com
1.2.1 Description of Blocks
In DSP0.9 Series UPSs, a DSP controlled IGBT rectifier with PWM technique is used to
increase input power factor (PFC) and to decrease input current harmonics (THDI).
The IGBT rectifier accepts 3-phase AC input and produces a dual polarity DC voltage for both
supplying the inverter and charging the batteries.
Batteries are used as reserve DC power supply for the Inverter in case of mains failure.
In DSP0.9 Series, batteries are connected in series with a center-tap output to obtain a dual polarity
DC supply.
Batteries are discharged by the inverter during mains failure. The discharged batteries are re-charged
by the IGBT Rectifier on a constant voltage / current limiting basis, if AC mains power is available.
: It is manufactured by using the latest IGBT and DSP (Digital Signal Processing)
technologies, and Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) technique. The Inverter converts the DC BUS
voltage supplied by the IGBT Rectifier and / or the batteries into a well regulated, fully digital controlled
3-phase AC voltage with fixed voltage and frequency.
The output of the inverter is used to supply the critical loads connected to the UPS output.
This is an electronically controlled transfer switch,
which enables the critical load to be connected either to inverter output or to by-pass power source.
During normal operation, the load is supplied by the inverter output, but in case of an overload or a
UPS failure it is automatically transferred to the bypass source without any interruption.
This is a manually controlled mechanical switch, which is
used to supply the critical load, using the bypass source, when the UPS is shut down for maintenance
or troubleshooting purposes.
The load is unprotected against mains supply disturbances and black-outs when it is connected to
either static or maintenance bypass supply.
1.2.2. Operating Conditions of UPS
UPS may be in one of the following operating conditions:
A. Normal Operation (If Mains supply is available):
All fuses and power switches are closed (except the Maintenance Bypass Switch), and the load is
supplied by the Inverter Output. During normal operation, the Rectifier supplies DC power to the
Inverter and charges the Batteries at the same time.
B. Battery Operation :
The Batteries are connected to the Rectifier output. In case of a mains failure (mains power outage or
AC input voltage out of tolerance), the Rectifier stops operating and the DC voltage necessary for the
inverter operation is supplied by the batteries. Therefore the AC voltage output supplying the critical
load is not interrupted, until the batteries are fully discharged. At the end of the discharging time the
inverter is turned off and it start again automatically, together with the rectifier, when the mains power
is restored, and the UPS returns o normal operation. For UPS with a split bypass source, at the end of
discharging time, static transfer switch transfers the load to the split bypass source without interruption
if the split bypass source is available and in acceptable tolerances about voltage and frequency, as
still the rectifier input is not available.
The Rectifier is also turned off and inverter operates on batteries during automatic or manual battery
test procedure.
C. By-Pass Operation :
If the Inverter output is overloaded or in case of a problem in the UPS, the static switch transfers the
load to the bypass supply without any interruption, provided that the bypass supply is available and
within the tolerated limits regarding voltage and frequency. At the end of the overloading period, if the
fault condition is restored, static switch transfers the critical load again to the inverter output. Note that,
during operation from the bypass supply, the critical load may be effected by any possible
disturbances or power failure in the bypass supply.