Both oil pressure and oil temperature are displayed continuously in two separate full
sweep graphic and digital areas.
Oil Pressure:
As oil pressure rises, the graph size increases proportionately. The full color range marks
let you see at a glance how close to red line oil pressure you are.
The digital display reads out in 1 PSI increments to a maximum of 99. This is very useful
for monitoring typical engine oil pressure trends. Because of the high accuracy and
repeatability of this system, the oil pressure can be closely monitored for unusual trends.
For example, if you are cruising in a stabilized condition, and the oil pressure starts to
count down, and oil temp is counting up, this could help you to identify impending oil-loss
or cooling problems.
Oil Pressure Alert:
A warning alert activates whenever the engines redline is reached. The display will flash
until this condition is corrected.
Oil Temperature:
Oil temperature is displayed both graphically and digitally. As oil temperature rises, the
graph size increases proportionately. This is consistent with the oil pressure display and
makes it very easy to determine relationships between the two parameters.
The full color range marks let you see at a glance how close to red line oil temperature
you are.
The digital display reads out in 1 degree Fahrenheit increments to a maximum of 300
degrees. This is very useful for monitoring typical engine oil cooling system performance.
For new engine installations, you can take advantage of the high accuracy and
repeatability for analyzing the engine oil cooler system efficiency. If the cooling does not
seem to be effective enough, you can make changes and repeat your tests with the
confidence that the next test data will reflect the results of your changes.
Oil Temperature Alert:
Your oil temp system also provides you with built-in warning annunciators. If the oil
temperature rises above redline, the system captures the event and the display is flashed
until the problem is corrected. This is a real advantage in the busy cockpit.
Fuel Pressure:
Fuel Pressure is displayed both digitally and graphically. As fuel pressure rises, the graph
rises proportionately. Full color operating range marks are provided that indicates the
normal operating range of fuel pressure for your engine at a glance. The digital display
allows you to see small variations and make notations of typical fuel pressure behavior.