Operating instructions, Quick installation
12. Read the transducer signal for calibration point 2 (read only).
to get parameter ‘Transd.sign. p.2’ displayed.
Transd.sign. p.2
Make a note of the parameter value in the Quick set-up list, appendix 1.
13. Set the scale to zero.
This parameter displays the weight value with actual settings (but with one decimal
more than what is set in ‘Resolution’). Use it to set the weight value to ‘zero’ for
the unloaded scale.
to get parameter ‘Set zero’ displayed, and check that the scale is unloaded.
Set zero
Press ENTER to set the parameter value to zero.
Set zero
+0000.00 kg
The value is set to zero with leading sign and a flashing cursor.
Press ENTER for 2 seconds.
2 seconds
Set zero
0000.000 kg
The cursor disappears and the zero setting is accepted.
14. Read the zero offset.
By possible installation of a replacement unit later, it is useful to know
the total zero offset value for the scale.
to get parameter ‘Zero offset’ displayed.
Zero offset
X.XXX kg
Make a note of the zero offset value in the Quick set-up list, appendix 1.