Viscount Maestro – Grande - Sinfonia
VISCOUNT MAESTRO, GRANDE and SINFONIA have a great number of user-
defined features, concerning all aspects of their functionment. Therefore, the interaction
between the user and the instrument has been made as simple as possible, dividing to
the front panel into sections separated in their functions. Moreover, there is a graphic
screen where you can check out and change the parameters.
The graphic screen you can find in the instrument is shown here below:
On the screen you can see the following information, running from left to right:
the selected accompaniment style (STYLE);
the current metronome value;
the keyboard programming mode (KEYB.MODE);
the timbre selected for 1ST and 2ND parts,
together with the volume (VOL) and effect send (SEND) values;
the currently recognized chord (CHORD TYPE);
the current MIDI track name (SONG);
the current position on the MIDI track (MEASURE).
In this mode, you can modify only the metronome value, acting on the rotative
encoder on the right of the screen. For what concerns programming the other
parameters, you have to press the related button and a
pop-up window will appear on
the screen. A
pop-up window is a frame laying on the normal functionment screen for a
while, covering only a part or all the screen.
pop-up windows, except the ones related to the PERFORMANCE SETTINGS,
GLOBAL SETTINGS and DISK keys, will disappear pressing the EXIT button; besides,
as we will see on Paragraph 8.4, they can close automatically after a stated idle time.
pop-up windows can overlap on one other, allowing you to open more than
one programming session: you have to finish modifying the data on the open window,
before going back to the one below.