User Manual
Data format: BnH 00H vvH
n=channel number
:0H–EH (1–15)
vv=bank MSB number
:00H–7FH (0–127)
Volume (CC 7)
Message which controls the sections volume.
Data format: BnH 07H vvH
n=channel number
:0H–EH (1–15)
vv=volume value
:00H–7FH (0–127)
Expression (CC 11)
Message which controls the sections expression.
Data format: BnH 0BH vvH
n=channel number
:0H–EH (1–15)
vv=expression value :00H–7FH (0–127)
Bank Select LSB (CC 32)
Controller transmitted in combination of
Program Change and Bank Select MSB in order
to select a specific bank of sound. It can be
transmitted using the COMBIN. PRG function
and when stored in the combinations and Tutti.
Data format: BnH 20H vvH
n=channel number
:0H–EH (1–15)
vv=bank LSB number
:00H–7FH (0–127)
Sustain (CC 64)
Message which controls the Sustain / Damper
Data format: BnH 40H vvH
n=channel number
:0H–EH (1–15)
:00H (0) off
:7FH (127) on
All Sounds Off (CC 120)
Terminates all voices currently on for the specific
Data format: BnH 78H 00H
n=channel number
:0H-EH (1–15)
Reset All Controllers (CC 121)
Controllers are set to the default value.
Data format: BnH 79H 00H
n=channel number
:0H–EH (1–15)
This message is transmitted only.
All Notes Off (CC 123)
Terminates all notes currently on for the specific
Data format: BnH 7BH 00H
n=channel number
:0H–EH (1–15)
Program Change
Messages for selecting sounds, timbres or
programs in external modules. It also can be
received by the organ to recall combinations,
Tutti and Crescendo steps.
Data format: CnH mmH
n=channel number
:00–EH (1–15)
mm=Program Ch. number:00H–7FH (0–127)
n=channel number
:FH (16)
mm=Program Ch. number:
00H (0): general HR
01H-06H (1-6): general combinations 1-6
10H (16): Pedal HR
11H-16H (17-22): Pedal combinations 1-6
20H (32)(3-manual models): Man.II HR
20H (32)(2-manual models): Man.I HR
21H-26H (33-38)(3-manual models): Man.II
combin. 1-6
21H-26H (33-38)(2-manual models): Man.I
combin. 1-6
30H (48)(3-manual models): Man.III HR
30H (48)(2-manual models): Man.II HR
31H-36H (49-54)(3-manual models): Man.III
combin. 1-6
31H-36H (49-54)(2-manual models): Man.II
combin. 1-6
40H (64)(3-manual models): Man.I HR
41H-46H (65-70)(3-manual models): Man.I
combin. 1-6
60H (96): Tutti OFF
61H (97): Tutti ON
6FH (111): Crescendo -- (OFF)
70H–7FH (112-127): Crescendo steps 1-16
Device Inquiry
Instrument information sent after switching on
and when a Device Inquiry Request is received.
Data format: F0H 7EH 00H 06H 02H 31H 00H
1CH 20H 00H xxH yyH zzH vvH F7H
F0H: Exclusive status
7EH: Universal Non Realtime message
00H: channel
06H: general information
02H: device ID reply
31H: Viscount ID
00H 1CH: device family code