VirtuFit Ultimate Pro 2i Ergometer Rowing Machine
Rower storage
• To fold the VirtuFit Ultimate Pro 2i Ergometer Rowing Machine, simply pull the PULL PIN (J8) while
holding the Rail Handle (B21) located between Forward Base (A) and Base Railing (B). Gently set
Forward Base (A) down to ground by controlling Rail Handle (B21) gently downwards. This will cause
Forward Base (A) to drop down and will allow you to raise Base Railing (B) until it clicks securely
into a folded position. When you are ready to unfold the VirtuFit Ultimate Pro 2i Ergometer Rowing
Machine again, simply pull on PULL PIN (J8) while holding onto Base Railing (B). Gently set Base
Railing (B) onto ground, then use Rail Handle (B21) to pull upwards until rower clicks into unfolded
Please use a fi rm grip on ALL MOVING PARTS when folding the VirtuFit Ultimate Pro 2i Ergometer
Rowing Machine. The weight of the rower will cause Forward Base (A) to drop aggressively when folding and
will cause Base Railing (B) to drop aggressively when unfolding.