Error! Reference source not found.: Error! Reference source not found.
of your 3G connection, on the start page, click Status -> 3G info. The 3G
status page appears showing a summary of your 3G connection statistics.
<= -113dBm
No connection
-113dBm, <-89dBm
Low signal strength, connection not reliable
= -89dBm, < -69dBm
Medium signal strength, good connection
>= -69dBm
High signal strength, excellent connection
Table 5: Signal strength qualities
Connecting a GW9000 public Ethernet connection
Figure 6: Connecting a public Ethernet connection
On your GW9000 Series router, connect one end of a yellow RJ45 Ethernet cable
to the Ethernet port marked A. Connect the other end into the LAN port of your
PC or to a LAN switch.
Connect one end of the Ethernet cable supplied by your service provider to any
of the Ethernet ports on the router. The other end of the Ethernet cable will
already be connected to the switch or socket provided by your service provider.
Connect the power supply connector to the power port on the back of the router.
If the LEDs on your GW9000 Series router are not correctly lit, check that the
cables are attached correctly and that your service has been enabled by your
Connecting multi-I/O cables on a GW9000
Figure 7: Connecting a multi-I/O connection
© Virtual Access 2014
Installing a GW9000 Series Router
Issue 2.0
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