© Virtual Access 2018
GW1000 Series User Manual
Issue: 2.3
Page 11 of 463
Information tables
We use information tables to show the different ways to configure the router using the
router’s web and command line. The left-hand column shows three options:
Web: refers the command on the router’s web page,
UCI: shows the specific UCI command, and
Opt: shows the package option.
The right-hand column shows a description field that describes the feature’s field or
command and shows any options for that feature.
Some features have a drop-down menu and the options are described in a table within
the description column. The default value is shown in a grey cell.
Values for enabling and disabling a feature are varied throughout the web interface, for
example, 1/0; Yes/No; True/False; check/uncheck a radio button. In the table
descriptions, we use 0 to denote Disable and 1 to denote Enable.
Some configuration sections can be defined more than once. An example of this is the
routing table where multiple routes can exist and all are named ‘route’. For these
sections, the UCI command will have a code value [0] or [x] (where x is the section
number) to identify the section.
Web Field/UCI/Package Option
Web: Metric
UCI: network.@route[0].metric
Opt: metric
Specifies the route metric to use.
Note: these sections can be given a label for identification when using UCI or package
can be witten as:
However the documentation usually assumes that a section label is not configured.
The table below shows fields from a variety of chapters to illustrate the explanations