Safety Measures
UV Exposure
Never illuminate UV Lamp outside of the UV Chamber.
Never look directly at illuminated UV Lamp, even when using
protective gear.
Always use protective gear, including gloves and UV safety
If accidental exposure occurs, immediately cool affected area
and consult physician.
Disconnect power to system before performing any
maintenance or repair.
There may be more than one source of power.
Never perform any physical inspection, repair or maintenance
on UV Chamber unless UV chamber has been isolated and
Never service UV Lamps, Sleeves or associated hardware
until depressurization of UV chamber has been confirmed.
Hot chamber
Allow UV Lamps, UV Chamber to cool for a minimum of 10
minutes before handling.
Cut or
Ensure the quartz sleeve or lamp is not broken, cracked or
damaged in any way when handling equipment.
Scald from
When there is no water flow, the water in the chamber will
become hot. To prevent scalding, allow the system to cool
before draining the system.
Do not store any combustible or flammable material close to
the system.
Hg Exposure
The UV lamp contains mercury. If the lamp breaks, then
avoid inhalation or ingestion of the debris and avoid
exposure to eyes and skin. Never use a vacuum cleaner
to clean up a broken lamp as this may scatter the spilled
mercury. Obey local regulations and guidelines for the
removal and disposal of mercury waste.
Water leak
Use proper plumbing materials to avoid potential material
degradation from UV exposure.