© 2004 Directed Electronics, Inc. Vista, CA
OTTEE:: For parking light circuits that draw 10 amps or more, the internal jumper must be switched
to a (-) light flash output. P/N 8
7 or a standard automotive SPDT relay must be used on the
H1/2 light flash output harness wire.
oonn--bbooaarrdd dduuaall ssttaaggee iim
mppaacctt sseennssoorr
There is a dual-stage impact sensor inside the control unit. Adjustments are made via the rotary control as indi-
cated above. Since the impact sensor does not work well when mounted firmly to metal, we recommend against
screwing down the control module. We recommend mounting the control module to a large wiring loom.
OTTEE:: When adjusting the sensor, it must be mounted in the same location where it will be
after the installation is completed. Adjusting the sensor and then relocating the module
requires readjustment.
bbyyppaassssiinngg sseennssoorr iinnppuuttss
There are times when you need to temporarily bypass all sensor inputs to the unit, such as when remote start-
ing the vehicle. Anytime an auxiliary channel output is used, all inputs are bypassed for 5 seconds. During the
5 second bypass period, ground can be supplied to the H1/6 BLUE wire without triggering the unit. When the 5
second bypass period ends, if the unit detects ground on the H1/6 BLUE wire, all trigger inputs except the door
trigger input will remain bypassed until 5 seconds after ground is removed from the BLUE wire. This can be done
using the status output of the remote start unit as shown below: