Analog output level is set by means of the "VOLUME“ control. Level
control as such is effected within the D/A converter for both channels
simultaneously by digital processing.
Therefore, no noise, no scratching, no crosstalk or gang errors can
occur at all. Control accuracy is 0.5 dB over a 120dB range.
Since the control affects data word length (and so: signal accuracy), a
setting closest possible to the right end stop should be chosen for the
maximum desired loudness.
Unlike in the analog world, digital technology uses a clearly defined
maximum level, described as 0dBFs, or "zero deciBels Full scale" in
clear text. From this maximum downward, signal levels are expressed
with a negative sign.
The “translation“ of the digital level into analog is provided by the D/A
converter and is extremely flexible, whereby several standards have
Professional broadcast facilities in Germany - i.e. radio and TV stations -
understand 0 dBFs as equivalent to +15 dBu analog level. In other
countries this may be handled differently.
Notabene, +15 dBu represent a voltage of 4.5 Veff which may exceed
the capabilities of many audio devices designed for a voltage swing of
1...2 volts. Therefore, the maximum output level of the DAC V800 can
be adapted by means of internal DIP switches. While factory-preset to
+15dBu, the maximum output level can as well be set to +24 / +18 / +15
/ +12 / +6 dBu (with level knob fully clockwise). For further details, see
appendix page 21.
The values above apply to the balanced outputs. Level at the
unbalanced outputs will be 9 dB lower, i.e. +15 / +9 / +6 / +3 / -3 dB.