Rev. 1 20.12.2019
present on most Conductivity solutions.
Important: Always rinse the cell with distilled water before calibration and when switching from one
standard solution to another to avoid contamination.
Replace standard solutions frequently, especially low Conductivity ones.
Contaminated or expired solutions can affect the accuracy and precision of the measurement.
Errors during calibration
NOT STABLE: The button
has been pressed with still unstable signal. Wait for the icon
appear to confirm the first point.
WRONG BUFFER: The buffer you are using is polluted or not part of the recognized families.
CALIBRATION TOO LONG: The calibration has exceeded the time limit, only the points calibrated up to
that moment will be kept.
Making a Conductivity measurement
Access the Setup menu for Conductivity to check the calibration and check, and if necessary, update the
reading parameters; press
to return to measurement mode.
to scroll through the different screens of parameters until activating the Conductivity
parameter indicated by the icon
Connect the Conductivity cell to the instrument's BNC for Cond (grey).
If the user does not use a cell with a built-in temperature probe or an external probe NTC 30KΩ it is
advisable to manually update the temperature value (MTC).
Remove the cell from its test tube, rinse with distilled water, dab gently taking care not to scratch the
Dip the sensor in the sample, the measuring cell and any vent holes must be completely immersed.
Keep in slight agitation, eliminate any air bubbles that would distort the measurement by gently
shaking the sensor.
Scroll on the display with four red bands
means that the measurement is not yet stable.
Consider the measurement truthful only when the stability icon appears
For a highly accurate measurement the instrument uses five different measurement scales and two
units of measurement (µS / cm and mS / cm) depending on the value; the scale change is performed
automatically by the device.
Once the measurement is finished, wash the cell with distilled water.
The Conductivity sensor does not require much maintenance, the main aspect is to make sure that the
cell is clean. The sensor must be rinsed with abundant distilled water after each analysis; if it has
been used with water insoluble samples before carrying out this operation, clean it by immersing it
in ethanol or acetone.
Never clean it mechanically, this would damage conductivity cell, compromising their functionality.
For short periods, store the cell in distilled water, while for long periods, keep it dry.