It is obvious that no liquid should be allowed to get inside the box. This will result in
destruction and possible cause of fire.
Cleaning is best done with a damp cloth only.
It will be necessary to replace the valves at some point. This should be performed by
a qualified or experienced person.
To remove the top cover, unscrew the 4 retaining screws on the top pillars of the box
and raise the lid off. The valves are easily accessible and can be removed.
There are only two adjustments inside which are pre-set. These are trimmer resistors
on each power amplifier board. These are factory preset for minimum noise and
PLEASE NOTE WITH EXTREME CAUTION, there are DEADLY voltages inside the
amplifier. These voltages can take a few minutes to dissipate. Therefore extreme
caution is needed when changing valves. If in any doubt then leave this job to a
qualified person.
Valve types are, EL34 (6CA7) for the four output valves.
ECC83 on the input and driver stages, 3 used
ECC81 used in the driver stage, 2 used.
When replacing please try and use the highest quality manufacturer of the valves.
Limited One Year Warranty
This product is warranted to be free from defects in materials or workmanship for a
period of one year from the date of purchase by the original owner.
To ensure a high level of performance and reliability for which this equipment has
been designed and manufactured, read the user guide before operating. In the event
of failure, notify and return the defective unit to VINTRONICS or its authorised agent
as soon as possible for repair under warranty subject to the following conditions:
Conditions of Warranty
The equipment has been installed and operated in accordance with the
instructions in this user guide.
The equipment has not been subject to misuse either intended or
accidental, neglect, or alteration other than as described in the user guide
or service manual, or approved by Vintronics.
Any necessary adjustment, alteration or repair has been carried out by
Vintronics or its authorised agent.
The defective unit is to be returned carriage prepaid to Vintronics or its
authorised agent with proof of purchase.
Units returned should be packed carefully to avoid transit damage. The
valves are to be removed and labelled in the order of position.