The input stage has a high frequency roll-off at 30KHz so as to limit the wasted
energy in the following stages.
The input amplifier stage adopts the Double Triode ECC83 high gain valve in a
Totem pole configuration. This enables a high input impedance together with fine
linearity in frequency response. The output of this stage then feeds into a Phase
inverter stage, another ECC83 valve being used for this. Its output then feeds into the
output driver stage with an ECC82 valve being used for the purpose.
Signals from this stage are then fed into the EL34 push-pull output stage. Full power
supply voltage is applied to these valves to maximise output power.
Conversion of the high voltage signal is then done in the output transformers. They
convert the high impedance high voltage into low impedance high current drive to the
The input, phase splitter and driver valves are separately heated from the output
valves which dramatically improves the stability and noise performance.
Best quality components have been used in this amplifier.
We have utilised high tolerance quality wirewound and carbon resistors, polyester
and silver mica signal capacitors, porcelain valve bases and matched output valves.