The Classic 25 Power Amplifier has been designed and Hand-Built in the UK.
It combines the sound proven electronic circuitry together with fine build quality and
The Amplifier is constructed from the finest brushed stainless steel chassis, which
has been laser cut for precision finish. This is complemented by teak wooden side
panels varnished in a satin finish. The front and rear panels are hand engraved 1mm
thick Perspex panels finished in a dark blue ink. Brushed aluminium control knobs
compliment the finish. No question, this amplifier is of the highest design and build
standard. Heavy rubber feet act as sound absorbers to protect against microphony of
the valves. Local companies have been used to provide the parts for this amplifier.
The power amplifier is based around two pairs of EL34 (6CA7) tetrode output valves
operating in a pure Class-A push-pull output configuration.
The output transformers have been specially designed and wound to our
specifications. They have been de-rated so as to avoid core saturation at Low
frequencies. Hence this provides full frequency response right down to 20 Hertz.
Similarly, the power supply transformer has been de-rated to stop voltage sags at
peak current demands from the output amplifier stage.
This then combines to make a rugged amplifier virtually flat across the whole audio
frequency spectrum, even under complex load conditions.