13.3 Lower head mounting platform to a position that will just permit access to guide rollers.
13.4 At one of the pairs of adjustable guide rollers on the centre tube, remove the plugs
slacken two grub screws
on both bearings.
13.5 Commencing with the lower of the pair of bearings, adjust each quadrant
using a torque
wrench and a 50 mm (2 in.) tommy bar to a torque of 1.92N (17 lbf/in.).
13.6 Gently tighten both grub screws
until quadrant cannot be moved and refit plugs
13.7 Repeat on adjacent bearing and on bottom and fixed tubes.
13.8 Upon completion of adjustment the column should move smoothly but without any free play
between sections.
13.9 Charge pedestal
Steering ring adjustment
The adjustments necessary on the steering ring are limited to maintaining complete freedom of radial
movement with all backlash eliminated and to maintain correct tension on the large steering belt, i.e. 6 to 8 lbs
pull on outside of spokes. Adjust as follows
14.1 On steering wheel assembly, slacken two locknuts
14.2 Turn studs
with screwdriver until required position is reached.
14.3 Tighten locknuts
Fig 4.4 Steering ring adjustment