Basic entryphone/video entryphone programming is as follows:
Programming the ID
, which must be performed on the entryphone that
receives the call individually or on the first entryphone of a group of
entryphones/video entryphones with simultaneous calls (master entry-
Programming the secondary ID
, which must be done for entryphones
associated to a master entryphone/video entryphone.
Programming programmable keys
or changing the default setting of
supplementary keys, for auxiliary services or intercom calls.
Programming must be carried out with the system switched on, without
active communication and only after the entryphones/video entryphones
have been connected to the system and the entrance panels have been
N.B.: all programming or deletion phases must be performed with
the entryphone/video entryphone handset lifted and held against the
user’s ear.
Programming the ID code
The identification code is programmed by means of a main entrance panel
(MASTER), already configured and present in the system.
The entryphone is supplied without an associated identification code. To
verify this, press the lock release push button and the entryphone should
emit an audible signal (triple beep).
To program the ID, proceed as follows:
1) Lift the handset and place to the ear.
2) Press the
keys simultaneously and keep them pressed
until the
LED starts flashing.
3) Release the keys.
4) Press and hold down key
(for 2 s) until the handset emits an au-
dible signal and the entryphone communicates with the entrance panel.
5) Release key
: you have 5 s to press key
(as indicated in step 4). If
5 s pass without pressing key
, the procedure in steps 1,2,3 must
be repeated.
6) You now have 30 s to associate the ID code of the entrance panel:
- if using an alphanumeric entrance panel, enter the primary ID code
and confirm with the call key.
- in the case of a push button entrance panel, press the push button
you want to use to call the entryphone.
: if the system already contains an entryphone with the same
associated identification code, the entrance panel emits a low-pitched
acoustic signal and the operation must be repeated from the start in order
to assign a different code.
Programming a secondary ID code
Programming the secondary ID is only necessary when you want more
than one entryphone/video entryphone to ring in response to the same
push button or call code. The entryphones/video entryphones that must
ring at the same time are associated to the same group. The “master”
entryphone/video entryphone is programmed first by means of the “identifi-
cation code programming” procedure described above, while the additional
group entryphones/video entryphones are programmed with the secondary
identification code.
The maximum number of video entryphones that can be associated with
the same group, without using the SaveProg software, is 3 plus the master
To program the secondary ID, proceed as follows:
1) Lift the handset and place to the ear.
2) Press the
keys simultaneously and keep them pressed
until the
LED starts flashing.
Fig. 7
Fig. 6
Fig. 5
TAB: 7509