The Viking Corporation, 210 N Industrial Park Drive, Hastings MI 49058
Telephone: 269-945-9501 Technical Services: 877-384-5464 Fax: 269-818-1680 Email: [email protected]
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Form No. F_080814 18.12.06 Rev 14.1.P65
VERTICAL SIDEWALL (VSW) SPRINKLER: A sprinkler intended for installation near the wall and ceiling. The deflector provides a
water spray pattern outward in a quarter-spherical pattern and can be installed in the upright or pendent position with the flow
arrow in the direction of discharge. Marked “SIDEWALL” on the deflector with an arrow and the word “FLOW”. (Note: Some
vertical sidewall sprinklers can only be installed in the upright or pendent position—in this case, the sprinkler will also be marked
HORIZONTAL SIDEWALL (HSW) SPRINKLER: A sprinkler intended for installation near the wall and ceiling. The special deflector
provides a water spray pattern outward in a quarter-spherical pattern. Most of the water is directed away from the nearby wall
with a small portion directed at the wall behind the sprinkler. The top of the deflector is oriented parallel with the ceiling or roof.
The flow arrows point in the direction of discharge. Marked “SIDEWALL” and “TOP” with an arrow and the word “FLOW”.
EXTENDED COVERAGE (EC) SPRINKLER: A spray sprinkler designed to discharge water over an area having the maximum
dimensions indicated in the individual listings. Maximum area of coverage, minimum flow rate, orifice size, and nominal K-Factor
are specified in the individual listings. EC sprinklers are intended for Light-Hazard occupancies with smooth, flat, horizontal ceil-
ings unless otherwise specified. In addition to the above markings, the sprinkler is marked “EC”.
QUICK RESPONSE (QR) SPRINKLER: A spray sprinkler with a fast- actuating operating element. The use of quick response
sprinklers may be limited due to occupancy and hazard. Refer to the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) prior to installing.
QUICK RESPONSE EXTENDED COVERAGE (QREC) SPRINKLER: A spray sprinkler designed to discharge water over an area
having the maximum dimensions indicated in the individual listing. This is a sprinkler with an operating element that meets the
criteria for quick response. QREC sprinklers are only intended for Light Hazard occupancies. The sprinkler is marked “QREC”.
FLUSH SPRINKLER: A decorative spray sprinkler intended for installation with a concealed piping system. The unit is mounted
flush with the ceiling or wall, with the fusible link exposed. Upon actuation, the deflector extends beyond the ceiling or wall to
distribute water discharge. The sprinkler is marked “SSP”, “PEND”, or “SIDEWALL” and “TOP”.
CONCEALED SPRINKLER: A decorative spray sprinkler intended for installation with a concealed piping system. The sprinkler is
hidden from view by a cover plate installed flush with the ceiling or wall. During fire conditions, the cover plate detaches, and
upon sprinkler actuation, the deflector extends beyond the ceiling or wall to distribute water discharge. The sprinkler is marked
“SSP”, “PEND”, or “SIDEWALL” and “TOP”.
RECESSED SPRINKLER: A spray sprinkler assembly intended for installation with a concealed piping system. The assembly con-
sists of a sprinkler installed in a decorative adjustable recessed escutcheon that minimizes the protrusion of the sprinkler beyond
the ceiling or wall without adversely affecting the sprinkler distribution or sensitivity. Refer to the appropriate technical data page
for allowable sprinkler models, temperature ratings, and occupancy classifications. DO NOT RECESS ANY SPRINKLER NOT
CORROSION-RESISTANT SPRINKLER: A special service sprinkler with non-corrosive protective coatings, or that is fabricated
from non-corrosive material, for use in atmospheres that would normally corrode sprinklers.
DRY SPRINKLER: A special-service sprinkler intended for installation on dry pipe systems or wet pipe systems where the sprinkler
is subject to freezing temperatures. The unit consists of a sprinkler permanently secured to an extension nipple with a sealed
inlet end to prevent water from entering the nipple until the sprinkler operates. The unit MUST be installed in a tee fitting. Dry
upright sprinklers are marked with the “B” dimension [distance from the face of the fitting (tee) to the top of the deflector]. Dry
pendent and sidewall sprinklers are marked with the “A” dimension [the distance from the face of fitting (tee) to the finished
surface of the ceiling or wall].
LARGE DROP SPRINKLER: A type of special application sprinkler used to provide fire control of specific high-challenge fire haz-
ards. Large drop sprinklers are designed to produce an umbrella-shaped spray pattern downward with a higher percentage of
“large” water droplets than standard spray sprinklers. The sprinkler has an extra-large orifice with a nominal K-Factor of 11.2.
EARLY SUPPRESSION FAST-RESPONSE (ESFR) SPRINKLER: A sprinkler intended to provide fire suppression of specific high-
challenge fire hazards through the use of a fast response fusible link, 14.0, 16.8, or 25.2 nominal K-Factor, and special deflector.
ESFR sprinklers are designed to produce high-momentum water droplets in a hemispherical pattern below the deflector. This
permits penetration of the fire plume and direct wetting of the burning fuel surface while cooling the atmosphere early in the
development of a high-challenge fire. Marked “ESFR” and “UPRIGHT” or “PEND”.
INTERMEDIATE LEVEL/RACK STORAGE SPRINKLER: A standard spray sprinkler assembly designed to protect its operating
element from the spray of sprinklers installed at higher elevations. The assembly consists of a standard or large orifice upright
or pendent sprinkler with an integral upright or pendent water shield and guard assembly. Use only those sprinklers that have
been tested and listed for use with the assembly. Refer to the technical data page for allowable sprinkler models.
RESIDENTIAL SPRINKLER: A sprinkler intended for use in the following occupancies: one- and two-family dwellings with the fire
protection sprinkler system installed in accordance with NFPA 13D; residential occupancies up to four stories in height with the
fire protection system installed in accordance with NFPA 13R; and where allowed by the Authority Having Jurisdiction in resi-
dential portions of any occupancy with the fire protection system installed in accordance with NFPA 13.