sprin klers to be tested and, if nec es -
sary, re placed af ter a spec i fied term
of ser vice. For Vi king ESFR Pen dent
Sprin klers, re fer to the In stal la tion
Stan dards (e.g., NFPA 25) and the
Au thor ities Hav ing Ju ris dic tion for the
spec i fied pe riod of time af ter which
test ing and/or re place ment is re -
quired. Sprin klers that have op er ated
can not be re as sem bled or re used,
but must be re placed. When re plac -
ing sprin klers, use only new sprin -
C. The sprin kler dis charge pat tern is crit -
i cal for proper fire pro tec tion. There -
fore, noth ing should be hung from, at -
tached to, or oth er wise ob struct the
dis charge pat tern. All ob struc tions
must be im me di ately re moved or, if
nec es sary, ad di tional sprin klers in -
D. When re plac ing ex ist ing sprin klers,
the sys tem must be re moved from
ser vice. Re fer to the ap pro pri ate sys -
tem de scrip tion and/or valve in struc -
tions. Prior to re mov ing the sys tem
from ser vice, no tify all Au thor ities
Hav ing Ju ris dic tion. Con sid er ation
should be given to em ploy ment of a
fire pa trol in the af fected area.
1. Re move the sys tem from ser vice,
drain all wa ter, and re lieve all pres -
sure on the pip ing.
2. Using the spe cial sprin kler wrench,
re move the old sprin kler and in stall
the new unit. Care must be taken
to en sure that the re place ment
sprin kler is the proper model and
style, with the cor rect or i fice size,
tem per a ture rat ing, and re sponse
char ac ter is tics. A fully stocked
spare sprin kler cab i net should be
pro vided for this pur pose.
3. Place the sys tem back in ser vice
and se cure all valves. Check the
re placed sprin klers and re pair all
E. Sprin kler sys tems that have been
sub ject to a fire must be re turned to
ser vice as soon as pos si ble. The en -
tire sys tem must be in spected for
dam age and re paired or re placed as
nec es sary. Sprin klers that have been
ex posed to cor ro sive prod ucts of
com bus tion, but have not op er ated,
should be re placed. Re fer to the Au -
thor ities Hav ing Ju ris dic tion for min i -
mum re place ment re quire ments.
Form No. F_060198
Sprin kler 120 d
SIN VK500 (K = 14.0)
De cem ber 10, 2004
Re places sprin kler page 120 a-d, dated Feb ru ary 20, 2004
(referenced NFPA 13 ex cep tions to ESFR sprin kler spac ing rules).