Side wall Sprin klers are not in tended
for use in cor ro sive en vi ron ments.
D. Use care when lo cat ing sprin klers
near fix tures that can gen er ate heat.
Do not in stall sprin klers where they
will be ex posed to tem per a tures that
ex ceed the max i mum rec om mended
am bi ent tem per a ture for the tem per -
a ture rat ing used.
E. Sprin klers must be pro tected from
me chan i cal dam age. Ad e quate heat
must be pro vided when sprin klers
are in stalled on wet-pipe sys tems.
F. Be fore in stal la tion, be sure to have
the ap pro pri ate sprin kler model and
style, with the cor rect or i fice size,
tem per a ture rat ing, and re sponse
char ac ter is tics.
D E F L E C T O R L O C A T I O N :
Model M-5 Res i den tial
Hor i zon tal Side wall Sprin klers must
be in stalled only be low smooth, flat,
hor i zon tal ceil ings or sloped ceil ings
al lowed by the list ing.
For any area of cov er age be low
smooth, flat, hor i zon tal ceil ing, these
sprin klers must be in stalled with the
de flec tors lo cated 6" to 12" (152 mm
to 305 mm) be low the ceil ing.
Model M-5 Res i den tial
Hor i zon tal Side wall Sprin klers to be
lo cated on the side of a sloped ceil ing
with spray di rected across the slope
must be in stalled with their de flec -
tors 6" to 12" (152 mm to 305 mm) be -
low the ceil ing for any area of cov er -
Model M-5 Res i den tial
Hor i zon tal Side wall Sprin klers to be
lo cated at the peak of a sloped ceil ing
with spray di rected down the slope
must be in stalled with the de flec tors
6" (152 mm) be low the ceil ing for any
area of cov er age.
Al ways align the top of the hor i zon tal
side wall de flec tors par al lel to the ceil -
ing or roof. The sprin klers must be in -
stalled af ter the pip ing is in place to
pre vent me chan i cal dam age.
1. In stall es cutch eon (if used), which
is de signed to thread onto the ex -
ter nal threads of the sprin kler. Re -
fer to the “Sprin kler Ac ces sories”
sec tion of the Vi king En gi neering
and De sign Data book for tech ni -
cal data on ap proved es cutch -
eons and other ac ces so ries.
2. Ap ply a small amount of pipe-joint
com pound or tape to the ex ter nal
threads of the sprin kler only, tak -
ing care not to al low a build-up of
com pound in the sprin kler in let.
3. In stall the sprin kler on the pip ing
us ing the spe cial sprin kler wrench
only, tak ing care not to over
tighten or dam age the sprin kler
op er at ing parts. DO NOT use the
sprin kler de flec tor to start or
thread the sprin kler into a fit ting.
G. Af ter in stal la tion, the en tire sprin kler
sys tem must be tested in ac cor dance
with the rec og nized in stal la tion stan -
dards. The test is ap plied af ter sprin -
kler in stal la tion to en sure that no
dam age has oc curred to the sprin kler
dur ing ship ment and in stal la tion, and
to make sure the unit has been prop -
erly tight ened. If a thread leak oc curs,
nor mally the unit must be re moved,
new pipe-joint com pound or tape ap -
plied, and then re in stalled. This is
due to the fact that when the joint seal
leaks, the seal ing com pound is
washed out of the joint.
NO TICE: The owner is re spon si ble for
main tain ing the fire-protection sys tem
and de vices in proper op er at ing con di -
tion. For min i mum main te nance and in -
spec tion re quire ments, re fer to the Na -
tional Fire Pro tec tion As so ci a tion’s
pam phlet that de scribes care and main -
te nance of sprin kler sys tems. In ad di -
tion, the Au thor ity Hav ing Ju ris dic tion
may have ad di tional main te nance, test -
ing, and in spec tion re quire ments that
must be fol lowed.
A. The sprin klers must be in spected on a
reg u lar ba sis for signs of cor ro sion,
me chan i cal dam age, ob struc tions,
paint, etc. The fre quency of the in -
spec tions may vary due to cor ro sive
at mo spheres, wa ter sup plies, and
ac tiv ity around the de vice.
B. Sprin klers that have been field
painted, caulked, or me chan i cally
dam aged must be re placed im me di -
ately. Sprin klers show ing signs of
cor ro sion shall be tested and/or re -
placed im me di ately as re quired.
Model M-5 Res i den tial
Hor i zon tal Side wall Sprin klers that
are 20 years old shall be tested
and/or re placed im me di ately as re -
quired. Never at tempt to re pair or re -
as sem ble a sprin kler. Sprin klers that
have op er ated can not be re as sem -
bled or re-used, but must be re -
placed. When re plac ing sprin klers,
use only new sprin klers with iden ti cal
per for mance char ac ter is tics.
C. The sprin kler dis charge pat tern is
crit i cal for proper fire pro tec tion.
Noth ing should be hung from, at -
tached to, or oth er wise ob struct the
dis charge pat tern of the sprin kler. All
ob struc tions must be im me di ately re -
moved or, if nec es sary, ad di tional
sprin klers in stalled.
D. When re plac ing ex ist ing sprin klers,
the sys tem must be re moved from
ser vice. Re fer to the ap pro pri ate sys -
tem de scrip tion and/or valve in struc -
tions. Prior to re mov ing the sys tem
from ser vice, no tify all Au thor ities
Hav ing Ju ris dic tion. Con sid er ation
should be given to em ploy ment of a
fire pa trol in the ef fected area.
1. Re move the sys tem from ser vice,
drain all wa ter, and re lieve all
pres sure on the pip ing.
2. U s i n g t h e s p e c i a l s p r i n k l e r
wrench, re move the old sprin kler
and in stall the new unit. Care
must be taken to en sure that the
re place ment sprin kler is the
proper model and style, with the
cor rect or i fice size, tem per a ture
rat ing, and re sponse char ac ter is -
tics. A fully stocked sprin kler cab i -
net should be pro vided for this
pur pose.
3. Place the sys tem back in ser vice
and se cure all valves. Check and
re pair all leaks.
E. Sprin kler sys tems that have been
sub jected to a fire must be re turned
to ser vice as soon as pos si ble. The
en tire sys tem must be in spected for
dam age, and re paired or re placed as
nec es sary. Sprin klers that have
been ex posed to cor ro sive prod ucts
of com bus tion or high am bi ent tem -
per a tures, but have not op er ated,
should be re placed. Re fer to the Au -
thor ity Hav ing Ju ris dic tion for min i -
mum re place ment re quire ments.
May 27, 1999
Sprin kler 142 k