background image

been dropped,  dam aged in any way,
or ex posed to tem per a tures in ex cess 
of max i mum am bi ent tem per a ture al -
lowed. Such sprin klers should be de -
stroyed im me di ately.

C. Cor ro sion-resistant sprin klers must

be in stalled when sub ject to cor ro sive 
at mo spheres. Vi king Ho ri zon


 Sprin -

klers are not in tended for use in cor ro -
sive en vi ron ments.

D. Use care when lo cat ing sprin klers

near fix tures that can gen er ate heat.
Do not in stall sprin klers where they
will be ex posed to tem per a tures that
ex ceed the max i mum rec om mended
am bi ent tem per a ture for the tem per -
a ture rat ing used.

E. Sprin klers must be pro tected from

me chan i cal dam age. Wet pipe sys -
tems must be pro vided with ad e quate 

F. Be fore in stal la tion, be sure to have

the ap pro pri ate sprin kler model and
style, with the proper or i fice size, tem -
per a ture rat ing, and re sponse char -
ac ter is tics. The sprin klers must be in -
stalled af ter the pip ing is in place to
pre vent me chan i cal dam age. In stall
the sprin klers ac cord ing to the fol low -
ing steps:

Step 1: In stall all pip ing and cut the

sprin kler drop nip ple to po si tion
the 1/2" (15 mm) NPT out let of the
re duc ing cou pling at the de sired
el e va tion. The drop nip ple must
be per pen dic u lar to the ceil ing
and cen tered in a 2" (50 mm) di -
am e ter open ing in the ceil ing.

Step 2: With the sprin kler in the plas -

tic pro tec tive cap, ap ply a small
amount of pipe-joint com pound or 
tape to the ex ter nal threads of the
sprin kler only, tak ing care not to
al low a build-up of com pound in -
side the sprin kler or i fice.

Step 3: Use only one of the spe cial

wrenches  de signed for in stall ing
Vi king Ho ri zon



Sprin klers (see

AC CES SORIES on page 145 a).
With the sprin kler in the plas tic
pro tec tive cap, place the unit into
the wrench.

  Step 4: Turn the unit clock wise to

thread the sprin kler into the 1/2"
(15 mm) NPT out let of the cou -
pling. DO NOT use the fus ible link
to start or thread the sprin kler into
a fit ting.

G. Af ter in stal la tion, the en tire sys tem

must be tested in ac cor dance with the 
rec og nized in stal la tion stan dards.
The test is ap plied af ter sprin kler in -
stal la tion to en sure that no dam age
has oc curred to the sprin kler dur ing
ship ping and in stal la tion, and to
make sure the unit has been prop erly
tight ened. If a thread leak oc curs,
nor mally the unit must be re moved,
new pipe-joint com pound or tape ap -
plied, and then re in stalled. This is due 
to the fact that when the joint seal is
dam aged, the seal ing com pound or
tape is washed out of the joint.

H. Af ter test ing, re pair ing of all leaks,

and in stal la tion and paint ing of the
ceil ing, the ceil ing ring can be in -

1. Re move the plas tic pro tec tive cap. 

(Rec om men da tion: re tain at least
one pro tec tive cap in the spare
sprin kler cab i net. The in ter nal di -
am e ter of the spe cial in stal la tion
wrench is de signed for use with
the sprin kler con tained in a pro -
tec tive cap.)  

2. Push on the ceil ing ring un til the

ring touches the ceil ing. Ceil ing
rings should be in stalled to en -
sure proper op er a tion of the sprin -

NOTE: The max i mum ver ti cal ad just -

ment is 1/2" (12,7 mm). DO NOT
MODIFY THE UNIT. If nec es sary,
re-cut the sprin kler drop nip ple as re -
quired. NEVER use glue or caulk ing
ma te rial to fas ten or seal the ceil ing
ring to the ceil ing. Such pro ce dures
may re sult in the sprin kler fail ing to
op er ate prop erly.

I.  DIS AS SEM BLY: The ceil ing ring can

be re moved and re in stalled (with out
re mov ing the sprin kler) to al low ac -
cess above the ceil ing or to re place if
nec es sary. If it is nec es sary to re -
move the en tire unit, the sys tem must
be re moved from ser vice. See Main -
te nance In struc tions and fol low all
warn ings and in struc tions.


NO TICE: The owner is re spon si ble for
main tain ing the fire-protection sys tem
and de vices in proper op er at ing con di -
tion. For min i mum main te nance and in -
spec tion re quire ments, re fer to the Na -
tional Fire Pro tec tion As so ci a tion’s
pam phlet that de scribes the care and
main te nance of sprin kler sys tems. In
ad di tion, the Au thor ity Hav ing Ju ris dic -
tion may have ad di tional main te nance,

Jan u ary 27, 2000

Sprin kler 145 b

**A 1/2" ratchet is re quired

(not avail able from Vi king).

2" (50 mm)

di am e ter hole

re quired.

Sprin kler


Part No.



or Part No.


Vi king

Ho ri zon


Model H-3

Res i den tial

Flush Pen dent

Sprin kler

Pro tec tive Cap

Fig ure 








NOTE: Upon sprin kler ac ti va tion, the de flec tor de scends
to ap prox i mately 1/4" (6,4 mm) be low the sprin kler body.

Fig ure 



Summary of Contents for HORIZON H-3

Page 1: ...eavy Duty Part No 10366W B Light Duty A 1 2 ratchet is required not available from Vi king Ideal for sprinkler cabinets 5 AVAILABILITYANDSERVICE Viking sprinklers are available through a network of domestic Canadian and in ternational distributors See the Yellow Pages of the telephone directory for a lo cal distributor listed under Sprinklers Automatic Fire or contact Viking Viking Technical Data ...

Page 2: and installation and to make sure the unit has been properly tightened If a thread leak occurs normally the unit must be removed new pipe joint compound or tape ap plied and then reinstalled This is due to the fact that when the joint seal is damaged the sealing compound or tape is washed out of the joint H After testing repairing of all leaks and installation and painting of the ceiling the c...

Page 3: ...ESIDENTIAL PENDENT SPRINKLER 3 8 K FACTOR Sprinkler Temperature Classification Nominal Temperature Rating Maximum Ambient Temperature Allowed Temperature Identification Stamp Ordinary 165 F 74 C 100 F 38 C On Cover Intermediate 220 F 104 C 150 F 66 C On Cover Deflector Style NPT Thread Size Nominal K Factor Overall Length Base P N2 Inch mm U S metric1 Inch mm Pendent 1 2 15 3 8 5 5 2 9 16 65 1 094...

Page 4: ... 26 6 pitch use the Minimum Water Supply Requirements for the next larger listed sloped installation Refer to Table 1 on page 145 c Form No F_062395 Sprinkler 145 d January 27 2000 Listed Areas of Coverage correspond to areas mea sured along ceiling slope For sloped ceiling installations actual floor coverage will be less than listed area Refer to Table 1 on page 145 c for Listed Areas of Coverage...
