Vig560s Motherboard Manual
Figure 47:
USB Configuration Sub-menu
The Module Version and USB Devices Enabled items show the auto-detected
values. If no USB device is detected, the item shows None.
USB Function [Enabled]
Allows you to enable or disable the USB function. Configuration options:
Legacy USB Support [Auto]
Allows you to enable or disable support for USB devices on legacy operating
systems (OS). Setting to Auto allows the system to detect the presence of USB
devices at start-up. If detected, the USB controller legacy mode is enabled. If no
USB device is detected, the legacy USB support is disabled. Configuration options:
[Disabled] [Enabled]
USB 2.0 Controller [Enabled]
Allows you to enable or disable the USB 2.0 controller. Configuration options:
USB 2.0 Controller Mode [HiSpeed]
Allows you to configure the USB 2.0 controller in HiSpeed (480 Mbps) or Full Speed
(12 Mbps). Configuration options:
[Full Speed]
CPU Configuration Sub-menu
The items in this menu show the CPU-related information that the BIOS
automatically detects.