Upgrading the Pentium II CPU
Allow time for the processor and heatsink to cool before touching either of them.
The Pentium II processor together with Level 2 cache chips are housed in a
protective cartridge called a SEC module. The SEC module is attached to the
computer using a slot 1 interface. Vertical supports, retention pillars, are used to
keep the module fixed into place. The Pentium II processor is attached to the
heatsink with special connectors called Rivscrews. These are used to protect the
delicate components inside the SEC module and to ensure the correct thermal
contact between the two. If you buy a new SEC module without a heatsink
attached, under NO circumstances use normal screws to attach them. This
could cause serious and permanent damage to your computer.
The design of the N440BX computer makes it a simple job to replace or upgrade the
processors. To do so please refer to figures 1 and 5 and follow the instructions
1. Read the warnings at the start of this chapter and ensure a static free
2. Remove the lid from the computer by removing the screws at the rear of the case.
3. Locate the SEC module(s) by referring to figure 1 if necessary.
4. Locate the retention clips at the side of the SEC module. These are marked ‘A’ in
figure 5.
5. Gently push both clips towards the SEC module at the same time.
6. Pull the SEC module Vertically upwards until it is clear of the retention bracket.
7. You can now fit the replacement SEC module and heatsink into the slot 1
If the replacement Pentium II processor is of a different speed (MHz) to the previous
one you will now have to configure the Processor speed in the BIOS see page 45
(BIOS setup Program).
If the new processor has a different Front Side Bus speed (66 or 100MHz) to the
previous processor, then the N440BX board will automatically detect this and change
to the relevant FSB setting.