Electric multifunctional weed burner
Vigan Mammoth ELP4V1
Dear customer,
thank you for purchasing this product. Before using it, please read the instructions carefully. Only use the product as
described in this manual. For damages arising out of use contrary to this manual, neither the manufacturer nor the
seller bears any responsibility. Keep this manual in case of later use. At least for the duration of the valid warranty, we
recommend that you store the original sales package and cash receipt. If you pass the product on to another person,
pass it on with this manual. This product is designed to meet the highest standards of quality, functionality and design.
We believe that this device will soon become an irreplaceable helper in your home.
The electrical weed burning system (multifunctional - high temperature - hot air) is intended primarily for heat weed dis
posal, ecologically, environmentally friendly, without the use of highly polluting chemicals such as controversial glypho
sate - Roundup, the heat from the nozzle destroys weeds by extremely high temperature to the roots to prevent its
further growth, cellular expansion spreads out due to rapid temperature rise, cell wall tears, protein collapses and weeds
die, all within 5 seconds, innovative design and design allows precise focus on weeds without risk damage to surrounding
plants and soil without the use of gas and open fire, remove weeds eg on outdoor stairs, entrances, pavements, paths,
terraces, garage entrances, parking places, sandboxes, outdoor walls, etc.
Its multifunctionality can also be used for removing old paint or for separating glued joints, loosening the screw connec
tions, softening the paint, removing wax residues from skis, snowboards or candlesticks, as a hot air gun or as an electric
fireplace lighter, safe and quick charcoal or briquettes lighter in garden grills, all safely and quickly within 2 minutes.
In addition, you can use the appliance in winter to help defrost ice on pavements, frozen water in metal containers,
frozen heaters, water pipes and other non-flammable materials.
The device has an ergonomic, detachable handle for easy handling and carrying. The swivel handle and removable bar
allow quick conversion to various tools. From the weed burner, you can quickly and easily get a hot air gun, a fireplace
lighter, or a charcoal lighter or a defroster.
Very low weight of 0.79 kg allows comfortable work with one hand.
1. Nozzle for weed burning
2. On/Off switch and temperature setting
3. Extension rod connector
4. Handle
5. Cable clamp
6. Power connector
7. Rotation button
8. Stand
9. Wide nozzle for old paint removal
10. Flat nozzle for separating of glued
connections and paint softening
11. Concentrating reduction nozzle for
plastic welding, shrink tubes and films
12. Lighting nozzle for grill or fireplace
13. Extension rod
14. Hanging loop