ViewSonic Corporation
Confidential - Do Not Copy
Analog Input Connector
DB-15 (Analog), refer the appendix A
Video Cable Strain Relief
Equal to twice the weight of the monitor for five
Video Cable Connector DB-15 Pin out
Compliant DDC 1/2B
Video Signals
Video RGB (Analog) - Separate
Video Impedance
75 Ohms (Analog)
Maximum PC Video Signal
950 mV with no damage to monitor
Maximum Mac Video Signal
1250 mV with no damage to monitor
Sync Signals
DDC 1/2B
Compliant with Revision 1.3
Sync Compatibility
Separate Sync
Video Compatibility
Shall be compatible with all PC type computers,
Macintosh computers, and after market video cards
Resolution Compatibility
640 x 350, 640 x 480, 720 x 400 (640 x 400*), 800 x
600, 832 x 624, 1024 x 768, 1152 x 870, 1280 x 720,
1280 x 1024
Not compatible with interlaced video
Internal Power Supply
Part Number: ILIPI-004
Input Voltage Range
90 TO 264 VAC
Input Frequency Range
47.5 TO 63 HERTZ
Short Circuit Protection
Output can be shorted without damage
Over Current Protection
2.4 A typical at 14.2 VDC
Leakage Current
3.5mA (Max) at 254VAC / 60Hz
80% typical at 115VAC Full Load
Internal and not user replaceable
Power Dissipation
36w (max)
/ 35 Watts (typ)
Max Input AC Current
0.8 Arms @ 90VAC, 0.4 Arms @265VAC
30 A @ 120VAC, 50 A (max) @ 220VAC
Power Supply Cold Start
Shall start and function properly when
under full load, with all combinations of
input voltage, input frequency, and
operating temperature
Power Supply Transient Immunity
Shall be able to withstand an ANSI/IEEE
C62.41-1980 2000V 200 ampere ring wave
transient test with no damage
Power Supply Line Surge Immunity
Shall be able to withstand 1.5 times
nominal line voltage for one cycle with no
Power Supply Missing Cycle Immunity
Shall be able to function properly, without
reset or visible screen artifacts, when ½
cycle of AC power is randomly missing at
nominal input
Power Supply Acoustics
The power supply shall not produce audible
noise that would be detectable by the user.
Audible shall be defined to be in compliance
with ISO 7779 (DIN EN27779:1991) Noise
measurements of machines acoustics.
Power Switch noise shall not be considered