7. PhotoShop Guidelines
Create your Graphic at 1920 x 1080 pixels (1366 x 768
for the 32" ePosters) at 72 DPI – 150 DPI (dots per inch).
Use higher DPI if the image is for print use.
Ensure you flatten the image if there are multiple layers.
(Menu: Layer / Flatten Image)
Finally, Save the image as a web file
(Menu: File / Save for Web)
with the following options:
Change the dropdown menu
from GIF (default) to JPEG
Set the quality to High or Very
Note the higher the quality,
the larger the file will be.
Optimized is checked
Convert to sRGB is checked
Change Metadata to None
Save the file name without
spaces and no special
characters such as / \ < > | : &
Rotate the image 90 degrees clockwise.
(Menu: Image / Image Rotation / 90 degree CW)