ViewClix support:
or email to
Add family and friends to the Share List
easily: just input their name and email
Immediately after a person is entered in
the Share List, they will be sent an account
activation email.
Once setup and activated, they can also get the ViewClix app and start sharing pic-
tures and making video calls.
Share List Icons
User has accepted the Share List invitation and may share with the frame.
Until an account is activated, the red exclamation icon is next to the name.
That person can’t share or video call with the frame yet.
Click or tap this icon to resend the account activation email.
Click or tap this icon to delete this Share List user from this frame. Once this
has been completed, the user will no longer be able to share or make video
calls to this frame.
Enable family and friends to share
After clicking or tapping on ‘
Share List
’, the following web page will be displayed: