The solar thermal system should be inspected once a
year to ensure operational reliability.
In addition to this, a visual inspection of all essential
components (e.g. collectors and pipework) is recom-
mended every 3 to 5 years.
Vent the solar thermal system.
Compare system operating pressure with the set
value. If the values are different, check the expan-
sion vessel.
Check the heat transfer medium.
Start circulation pumps manually if necessary (listen
for noises).
Compare flow rate with set value.
Check thermostatic mixing valve (if installed).
Check plausibility of the solar parameters subject to
the current insolation level (e.g. flow and return tem-
peratures at the thermometers; collector and cylinder
temperatures at the solar control unit).
Only check the safety valve if there are visible signs of
it being open (e.g. deposits, drips).
Scope of inspection
Scope of inspection
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