Programming will vary depending on access confirguration. Follow the instructions according to your
access configuration.
General Programming Information
Remote Control
: Please use the Infrared Remote Control to program the Reader.
User ID number
:Assign a user ID to the access card in order to track it. The user ID number can be
any number from 1~2000.
IMPORTANT: User IDs do not have to be proceeded with any leading zeros. Recording of User ID is
crical. Modifications to the user require the User ID be available.
Proximity Card
: Any 125KHz industry standard 26 bit EM Proximity card or Tag.
Enter and Exit Program mode
Set Master Code
Programming Step
Keystroke Combination
1. Enter Program Mode
(Master Code) #
2. Update Master Code
New Master Code
Repeat New
Master Code
3. Exit Program Mode
Add User Cards
Programming Step
Keystroke Combination
1. Enter Program Mode
(Master Code) #
2. Add Card: Using Auto ID
(Allows device to assign Card to next
available User ID number)
2. Add Card: Select Specific ID
(Allows manager to define a specific
User ID to associate the card to)
2. Add Card: by Card Number
2. Add Card: Block Enrollment
(Allows manager to add up to 2000
cards to the Reader in a single step.)
Takes 3 minutes to program.
1 (Read Card) #
The cards can be added continuously.
1 (User ID) # (Read Card) #
The user ID is any number from 1-2000.
1 (Input 8/10 digits Card number) #
1 ( User ID number) # (Card quantity)
#(The first card number) #
s’ number must be consecutive;
Card quantity is the number of card to be
3. Exit
Delete User Cards
Programming Step
Keystroke Combination
1. Enter Program Mode
(Master Code) #
2. Delete Card: By reading card
2 (Read Card) #
Programming Step
Keystroke Combination
Enter Program Mode
(Master Code) #
Factory default is 123456
Exit Program Mode