5.8. Group
The group function allows a running sequence of Presets, Pattern and/or Swings. A max. of
8 groups can be stored. Each group can have a max. of 20 action entities which can be
preset, pattern or swing.
Preset speed can be set and the repeat number of Pattern & Swing can be set in a group.
Dwell time between actions can be set also.
Setting Group Use the OSD Menu to create a Group.
Run Group
1) <Run Pattern> [Group NO.+20]
ex) Run Group 7: <Run Pattern> [27]
2) <Go Preset> [Group NO.+150]
ex) Run Group 7: <Go Preset> [157]
Deleting Group Use the OSD Menu to delete.
Doc # INS-20/21Z704T-PZ30
Issue Date: 07/28/2008
Revision: A
Page 22 of 49